Kaili’s background is in psycholinguistics, and for her PhD at the University of Essex she used eye-tracking to investigate the development of online sentence processing in primary school age children. Following her PhD she worked as a lecturer, and after having children her interests turned towards infant development. This led to work at the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (Cambridge) on a project looking at infant learning and attention led by Sam Wass, and since January 2016 she has been a Post-Doc at the Baby-LINC lab. This has meant being heavily involved in setting up the lab, designing experimental protocols, and creating a Tardis.
Being both a busy mum (to children age 2 and 4) and an infant researcher gives her both a personal and a scientific window onto child development. She feels strongly that as new parents are bombarded with so much conflicting information on the best way to bring up their child, science can play an important role in teaching us about what our children really need to give them the best possible start in life.
Wass, S., de Barbaro, K., Clackson, K. (2015) Tonic and phasic co-variation of peripheral arousal indices in infants
Clackson, K., & Heyer, V. (2014). Reflexive anaphor resolution in spoken language comprehension: structural constraints and beyond. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 904.
Clackson, K., Felser, C., & Clahsen, H. (2011). Children's processing of reflexives and pronouns in English: Evidence from eye-movements during listening. Journal of Memory and Language, 65, 128-144.
Clackson, K. & H. Clahsen (2011). Online processing of cataphoric pronouns by children and adults: Evidence from eye-movements during listening. In: Danis, N., Mesh, K. & H. Sung (eds.), Proceedings of BUCLD 35. Vol.1, Cascadilla Press: Somerville, MA, pp. 119-1.